Introduction: Thump N' Bump

About: I love making things and I wanna know what you guys think, so follow me, vote for me, and comment.
This is a cool drum design that me and my brother collaborated on. Hope you guys like it! Follow me!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

You will need something cylindrical with not much height(ex.-toilet paper rolls from school),toothpaste caps,shrink wrap, and other miscellaneous items

Step 2: Bang Bang

Next take the shrink wrap and tape it to your cylinder shaped item. This is really the only necessary step all other steps are only used to enhance your drum!

Step 3: Customize

Now you can do whatever you'd like to make this drum your own. We used a clapper, a ping pong ball and some poppers. To attach everything you can use both rubberbands or tape. Enjoy! Comment and follow me!
Craft Contest

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Craft Contest

Musical Instruments Contest

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Musical Instruments Contest