Introduction: Triangle Illusion

About: High school student, not really much else.

How to draw the impossible triangle, by Penrose, the great illusionist that worked with Escher to make this.

Step 1: Step 1: the Triangle

First, start with a perfect triangle, like so.

Step 2: Step 2: the Extension

Extend the lines a little bit, like so. Sorry if its doesn't look the same.

Step 3: Step 3: Second Extension

Then add an Extension off the other extension, longer then the first line, like so.

Step 4: Step 4 : Extension 3

Extend off the extension you just did, this time the same length as the second extension. If you did not understand anything i just said, look down.

Step 5: Last Step

Now connect, like so.You're almost done!

Step 6: Step After Last Step

Shade ,like so. You are done! Please comment

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