Introduction: UKP V3: Build Instructions

About: I've been building and engineering since as far back as I can remember. My first building toys were those wooden blocks, and at age 4, I upgraded to cereal box samples of K'nex. I also participate in sports, m…

Well this is it... my final contribution to the world of K'nex. The long awaited, UKP v3. 4 years in the making, the UKP series has striven to create the most realistic K'nex handgun available, and alas, 3rd time is the charm. Please do enjoy this weapon system, I have a lot of time into it, and I'm proud to be leaving it. Please note I will only be around for another week or so before I won't responded to comments, so If you have any pressing questions, do ask early. Let's delve into the features.

-Removable Magazine (in handle, 7-8 round capacity) 
-Slide Action
-20-35 ft range ( I'm not gonna lie to you like other guns on the site... realistically a grey con. can only travel 40ft in ideal conditions)
-Features an asymmetrical design, first seen under the UKP v1. To my knowledge, this is the only gun series that does that
-The magazine is my original design from 2009, never used on any other gun to my knowledge.
-Color coding to allow easy location of slide, trigger, and magazine during firing.
-Simple Trigger
-Ergonomic handle
-And a realistic appearance. 

This is probably a 1-2 hour build, so be prepared. You will be glad you did it when it is done. Please note that the color coding is not mandatory, but recommended if you want an amazing looking gun to show off. 

Step 1: The Handle

Let's get right into it! I don't know how this picture system works, but I'll try my best. Should be strait forward. 

Step 2: Real Barrel

This is the real barrel of the gun. You'll be able to see it start to come together after this! Follow the pictures! 

Step 3: Attaching the Barrel and Handle

Just as the title says! 

Step 4: Trigger

Build it and add it to the assembly! 

Step 5: Side Panel #1

The first of a few... Build it and attach it. This will start to strengthen the gun. Pay attention to the sides the panels are on! 

Step 6: The Fake Barrel

The fake barrel with some odds and ends, don't forget them! 

Step 7: More Side Panels and Top of Fake Barrel

As the title says, this is a lot in one step. Just stay calm and focus on the pictures. It's really quite simple. Just pay attention to the sides of the side panels! 

Step 8: More Side Panels!

These complete the panels for the barrel, and make the gun look like a gun! Simple enough! 

Step 9: Handle Side Panels

More Panels! These are for the ergonomic handle. These are set up for a righty, if you are a lefty, switch the sides I place them on. Problem solved! 

Step 10: The Slide

Building it, the firing pin, and attaching them to the gun! Almost there! 

Step 11: Magazine and Firing Pin

Final Step, Finish it and you're done! Fires grey connectors, stacked horizontally. When inserting the firing pin, make sure that the end with the connection parts is facing the front of the gun, and the smooth side is facing the back of the gun. 

Step 12: Loading and Firing

Watch the Video! I meant to add this when I made it, just found the video on my phone now... sorry for it's late introduction! 

Step 13: Thank You

Thank you all for your support throughout all of the years. I really appreciate it. Insructables has always been a fun loving and innovative community, full of great ideas and passion. For my final farewell, I leave you with my progression throughout the years in the world of knex. Enjoy.

I want to leave you all with my final words from my valedictorian speech this year, the whole thing is on youtube, if you want to laugh for a bit, but the final bit was the motivational part, so here it is.  (and this will be from memory, cuz someone stole my hard copy after I gave my speech, It was that good)

"Nothing in life is permanent, nothing in life is 100%. If you don't like where you are, do something about it, because you are more than capable. If you like where you are, don't become complacent, because anything can change in an instant. Make decisions as quickly as possible, without losing accuracy, because, like any test, you will run out of time. But most importantly, don't let these be the best years of your lives, otherwise, you've done something wrong. You've been a spectacular group of people to (build/speak too) and I thank you all for that." (Standing ovation and air horn, just watch the youtube clip already...  )

Thank you all. Best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors.