Introduction: Easy Quilted Nails

About: I am a Makeup Artist, crafter, party lover and mother.

I love nail art! Specially the designs you can do at home without spending money on a nail salon and (most important) with a pro look. Well this is one of those, it's made with things you already have at home and looks very pretty.

Step 1: Supplies

You will need

Your favorite color of nail polish

Sewing thread

Clear nail polish, caviar beads and tweezers (optional)

Step 2: Step 1

Put a first layer of your nail polish and let it dry

Step 3: Step 2

Put a second layer of nail polish. This one has to be thicker than the first one.

Step 4: Step 3

Before it dries completely use a piece of thread to draw the quilt. Put it diagonally in the corner of the nail and press down the nail carefully. Put it up and draw parallel lines. Do the same on the opposite direction.

Step 5: Step 4

Optional. If you want to give it a more outstanding look you can put little dots of clear polish in the intersections of the lines and add a caviar bead using tweezers. I did it with just one nail and it looked great.

Step 6: Result

As you can see it looks great and it's a different way to style your nails.

Here's a video that shows the step by step.

Have fun experiencing with different colors or thread thickness.

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017