Introduction: K'nex Dump Truck + Ball Machine Element

Here is an instructable for making a simple K'nex Dump Truck.

The Dump Truck can also be used as a ball machine element.

Pieces are considered K'nex pieces, meanwhile 'parts' are referred as many pieces put together.

Step 1: Driver's Zone Parts

Here are images for making parts of the front half of the truck.

Step 2: Driver's Zone Assembly

Follow the images to put together the parts, just made, along with the truck's front wheels.

Step 3: Truck Bed Parts

Follow the pictures and create parts of the truck bed.

Step 4: Truck Bed Assembly

Next, let's assemble the truck bed.

Step 5: Truck's Back Wheels & Exhaust Pipe

Following the images, make parts to hold the back wheels, the front and the Exhaust Pipe together.

Step 6: Finishing Assembly

As the final step, we assemble the back wheels' part, front wheels' part, exhaust pipe and the bed together.