Introduction: Knex Cool Rally Car.

About: My 3ds friend code is 0860-3914-2160 My 3ds xl friend code is 2294-3900-2732. If anyone has xbox live and playes gta 4, can we play together?

Hi this is my first instructable so please don't be harsh.It has a roll cage ans 2 motors moving the car. I am making some instructions for my car , so if your interested please comment. PS in early Jan 2013 i put this knex car in the snow. I will upload the video with my instructions.  IF ANYONE HAS A 3DS OR 3DS XL , I'M HAPPY TO SWAP FRIEND CODES. PLEASE FOLLOW ME . DON'T FORGET TO VOTE ME FOR THE CONTEST.

UP! Contest

Participated in the
UP! Contest