Introduction: My Knex Bow and Arrow- Capable of Melee Combat

About: I first joined this site in 2008 when I was a bored ignorant teenager with a lot of free time on my hands. Now as of 2019, I’m 23 and in graduate school so I’m permanently inactive here. If you still want to k…

This is my first attempt at making a bow and arrow. I had to sacrifice my AR-4 Commando v2 for this (long live the AR-4 commando!). This is actually a compound bow, but it just doesnt look like it because of the reinforcements on the front. Its not the best, but its the first bow and arrow i made, so i guess its a decent one.

This bow uses a barrel found on pistols/sidearms to hold the bow. The handle is just below it.


-20 foot range
-very comfortable handle (even has a split-finger rod)
-uses the least parts of all my creations
-pretty realistic in terms of loading and firing
-decent for melee combat (has blades on both bows, and the reinforcements protect you hand)


-the arrow spins in midair
-sometimes, the arrow connector breaks from the stick, however, i think this is fixed, if not, its greatly reduced......
-not that powerful

This will be posted soon.