Introduction: Stitched Up Lips - Sfxmakeup

About: I body paint

Step 1: Step One

Mark your spots with a black cream makeup then add an adhesive, let it get tacky before applying string.

Step 2: Add String.

Just.. you know.. add the sting. haha.

Step 3: Add Some Red

Put some deep red on the ends of the strings to make them look like holes.. then pull some of that red up and out to give the look of irritation.

Step 4: Details

add some red on the inside of your lip, then take some blue and put it on the inside of the string and a little on your lip, then get some blood and have some fun!

Step 5: DONE!


Halloween Costume Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Costume Contest 2015

Before and After Contest

Participated in the
Before and After Contest