Introduction: Whiplash Knex Ball Machine

About: I like to build with K’NEX as you can find many things I’ve built here. I also love to watch YouTube videos, have played piano and drums for over 10 years, listen to music (not country), and play video games (…
Hello everyone!

I present to you yet another one of my marvelous, imaginative k'nex ball machines, Whiplash. After 5 months of on and off building, planning, and trial & error, it is finally complete!

This machine uses 2 motors, has 2 networks, 10 paths, and contains 3 new elements.

I would like to thank sandroknexmaster  for inspiration from his Center Arm Lift and others for the many astounding elements used on the machine, including sandroknexmaster, knexpert#10829476, Thibault Art, martijnb95, Kairah, Sorunome, mathsboy314, 84sharkattack, and Knextreme

I once again got more k'nex which helped me build more paths onto a machine than any of my previous ones. Mathsboy314'swheeled crankshaft lift was here before the Center Arm Lift. The reason I had to change things is because it was just too much for one motor to run both a crankshaft and chain lift at the same time. A lot of times, I think that I am going to run low on certain pieces but I got even more pieces for Christmas that helped me finish strong.

Here's the machine IN ACTION: