Introduction: Knex Safe

About: I am an American. I have joined the U.S. Army and have completed OSUT training at Fort Benning Georgia on the 20151119 or November 19 2015. I am an M1A2 Tank commander. I played varsity rugby for my school McC…

eazy first try safe strong

Step 1: Part List

green/black: 405 [ouch]
white/grey:  170
red/green/orange   1

grey one conector  3
red  1
tire clip 3
yellow 1/2: 13
white  25
blue 3d   25
purple 3d 43
hinge   2

Step 2: Building the Bace

just build

Step 3: Walls

build if trouble send p message and i will help

Step 4: Roof


Step 5: Door and Put It on the Hinges

just follow the pics

Step 6: All Done

yay you made it threw my first instructable remember juse pm me for help