

Inbox View Profile
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Journalism and English student with a penchant for crafting. You can probably find me locked in my room, making something.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Sewn By Hand Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Sewn By Hand Challenge
Soft Toys Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Soft Toys Challenge
Remix Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Remix Contest 2016
T-Shirt Transformations Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the T-Shirt Transformations Challenge
Indoor Gardening Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Indoor Gardening Contest
DIY University Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the DIY University Contest
Zip It Good! Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Zip It Good! Contest
Remix Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Remix Contest

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