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I am an author and a maker. My current project is Santa's Shop. I'm working on a science fiction type book--more later. @EngineerRigsby


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Make it Move Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Move Challenge
Plastic Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Plastic Challenge
1000th Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the 1000th Contest
Make it Move Contest 2020
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Move Contest 2020
Robots Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Robots Contest
Silly Hats Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Silly Hats Speed Challenge
Space Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Space Challenge
Cardboard Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cardboard Speed Challenge
Magnets Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Magnets Challenge
Epilog X Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Epilog X Contest
Halloween Contest 2018
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Halloween Contest 2018
Make it Move Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Move Contest
Crafting Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Crafting Speed Challenge
Digital Fabrication Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Digital Fabrication Contest
3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the 3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest
Robot Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Robot Challenge
Clocks Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Clocks Challenge
Krylon Holiday Decorations Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Krylon Holiday Decorations Contest
Humana Health Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Humana Health Challenge

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