

Inbox View Profile
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In which I turn the thoughts from my head into objects in my hands


1K+ Comments Earned a gold medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Sew Warm Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Sew Warm Speed Challenge
Knitting and Crochet Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Knitting and Crochet Speed Challenge
Make it Glow Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Make it Glow Contest
Jewelry Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Jewelry Challenge
Paper Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Paper Contest
Tiny Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Tiny Speed Challenge
Heart Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Heart Contest
Homemade Gifts Contest 2017
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Homemade Gifts Contest 2017
Untouchable Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Untouchable Challenge
Papercraft Contest 2017
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Papercraft Contest 2017
Jewelry Contest 2017
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Jewelry Contest 2017
Glass Challenge 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Glass Challenge 2017
Homemade Gifts Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Homemade Gifts Contest 2016
CNC Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the CNC Contest 2016
Wooden Toys Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wooden Toys Challenge 2016
Tandy Leather Contest 2016
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Tandy Leather Contest 2016
Halloween Costume Contest 2016
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Halloween Costume Contest 2016
Puzzles Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Puzzles Challenge
Metal Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Metal Contest 2016
Heroes and Villains Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Heroes and Villains Contest
Makerspace Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Makerspace Contest
Maker Olympics Contest 2016
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Maker Olympics Contest 2016
Rainbow Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Rainbow Contest 2016
Home Remedies Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Home Remedies Challenge 2016
Gaming Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Gaming Contest
Digital Life 101 Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Digital Life 101 Challenge
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Jewelry Contest
Rainy Day Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Rainy Day Challenge
Valentine's Day Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Valentine's Day Challenge 2016
Dyeing for Color Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Dyeing for Color Contest
Book It! Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Book It! Contest
Cooking Basics Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cooking Basics Challenge
Rings Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Rings Challenge
Make it Glow!
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Make it Glow!
Papercraft Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Papercraft Contest
Zip It Good! Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Zip It Good! Contest
Featured Author Contest: DeandrasCrafts
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Featured Author Contest: DeandrasCrafts
Epilog Challenge VI
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Epilog Challenge VI
Vintage Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Vintage Contest
Papercraft Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Papercraft Contest
Bracelet Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Bracelet Contest

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