Introduction: Basketball Catapult Game
basically, it is my first project so I am participating in the toys contest and for that, I have made a basketball game
it is very simple and we have 2 catapults 1 for player one and 2nd for player two.
Step 1: Making Basketball Court
for playing basketball we need a court so to make that you need to replicate the given image
Step 2: Making Catapults
so firstly make small catapults according to the size, don't forget to use the elastic to make them work
Step 3: Adding the Labels and Ball Stand
on tinkercad, you can make a ball stand wherein you can keep your balls secondly we can put the lables like NBA etc.
Step 4: Last
I especially thank Instructables and tinkercad for giving me this great opportunity
Step 5: Making Basket
to make the basket you just need t replicate the above image and you will be able to make it