Introduction: Binary Counter - a K'nex Ball Machine Path Separator

About: I like to build with K'nex and Lego.

Programmers' joke:

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who do not.

Get it?

10 is the number 2 in binary.

Here are the instructions for the new path separator from my ball machine Grid Tower II. The binary counter is my most complicated path separator. It separates balls while at the same time counting in binary. You can add as many bits (binary digits) as you want. Below is the parts list for a 3-bit counter:


Green: 10011000 (152)

White: 110110 (54)

Blue: 10101010 (170)

Yellow: 110100 (52)

Red: 1111 (15)

Total Rods: 110111011 (443)


Blue clip: 11 (3)

Gray: 11110 (30)

Light Gray: 110 (6)

Orange: 100010 (34)

Red: 11001 (25)

Purple: 1010000 (80)

Yellow: 1100110 (102)

Blue: 111010 (58)

Total Connectors: 101010010 (338)


Medium hub: 11 (3)

Medium tire: 11 (3)

Blue spacer: 10100 (20)

Gray spacer: 10100 (20)

Y-clip: 1000 (8)

Total Other: 110110 (54)

Grand Total: 1101000011 (835)

Click here to see the video, which I am unfortunately unable to post on Instructables.

Step 1: Part A

Build part A as many times as you want. Each part A is 1 bit.

Step 2: Part B

Build part B once. It is 1 bit.

Step 3: Attach Them Together