Introduction: GTAV Pig Mask
GTAV online pig mask, inspired by I AM WILDCAT.
Step 1: Going Pink
Starting off I painted my face light pink, then I grabbed a white eyeliner pencil and sketched out my look.
Step 2: Hot Pink
I then took a makeup remover wipe to remove the pink where the masks holes are going to be, around the mouth and eyes.
Then I grabbed hot pink body paint and put that on the bottom of the pigs lip, and also on the pigs nose.
Then I grabbed hot pink body paint and put that on the bottom of the pigs lip, and also on the pigs nose.
Step 3: Maroon
Grabbing a matte maroon eyeshadow I used that to shadow the wrinkles.
when creating wrinkles just remember some spots are deeper than others, so vary the darkness of the color your using.
I also used this color to start shadows. Under the nose, mouth, and ect.
when creating wrinkles just remember some spots are deeper than others, so vary the darkness of the color your using.
I also used this color to start shadows. Under the nose, mouth, and ect.
Step 4: Outline
Getting a black body paint and a detail brush I outlined my eyes, mouth, and a few wrinkles that I felt needed to stand out more.
Step 5: Details
Getting a matte black eyeshadow I enhanced some of the shadows.
I made sure to add a lot of shadow in the mouth spot and the eyes. this week help give the illusion that the pig mask is on top of your face.
I made sure to add a lot of shadow in the mouth spot and the eyes. this week help give the illusion that the pig mask is on top of your face.
Step 6: Last Face Steps
Getting a white body paint I placed that anywhere I thought a highlight should go.
Getting a black body paint I added the nostrils.
Getting a nude lip color I placed that on my lips. (I have pale lips, I needed it. Lol)
Getting a black body paint I added the nostrils.
Getting a nude lip color I placed that on my lips. (I have pale lips, I needed it. Lol)
Step 7: Body!
I painted myself
Then I outlined my idea with black eyeliner.
Then I used matte black eyeshadow to add shadows under the tie shirt.
Then I used black body paint to outline and fill in the tie.
Then I used white body paint to add detail to the tie.
Then I outlined my idea with black eyeliner.
Then I used matte black eyeshadow to add shadows under the tie shirt.
Then I used black body paint to outline and fill in the tie.
Then I used white body paint to add detail to the tie.