Introduction: Hand Engraved Stars Into Cheese Knife
This is a tutorial on engraving wood. Specifically, Cheese knives here. But this is great for any wood items you find and want to engrave like in the past I have done with old cake cutters, nut cracker bowls, and wood salad bowls.
Step 1: Sanding and Cleaning
I took off the metal band with a cutter because it was a little rusted, cleaned them up and sanded them down. For this I like to use a dremel with the sander bit.
Step 2: Engraving
This is the fun part! I decide what I want to etch, sometimes I do a light sketch with pencil on them. I use the Dremel engraver with a diamond tip.
Step 3: Stain
I use coffee to stain, its totally natural and gives a beautiful brown tone.
After I use my coffee I take the fresh moist grounds and work them into the wood until I have a rich color. Then I wipe it clean. This would work with a used tea bag as well if your not a coffee drinker.
Step 4: Clear Coating
I use a mineral oil for this, I like to keep my items food safe, and environmentally friendly. This has to be re coated at least once a year depending on how often its used.
Step 5: Enjoy!
These beautiful cheese knives are perfect for use.
What other items have you been able to find to restore?
Happy thrifting!