Introduction: Jute Cloth and Yarn Embroidered Photo Frame(started About 2 Months Ago)

About: hi.I'm from Banglades. I love to do crafty things a lot.
i always start 2/3 projects at a time then stop working on them keeping them incomplete and start new..this is one of those project.i wanted to gift my sister a photo frame for her new i started this project about 2 months ago..then keep it incomplete.. actually i did all the embroidery works before bt didn’t attached them in the i think is Contest really help me to complete this project..


2.jute clothe
6.glue gun

Step 1:

at first i took a cardboard then put a photo for the size of the photo frame..i keep about 4cm space of each side of the photo..the length of the frame is about 21.5cm and the wide is 17.5 cm.then i cut the cardboard with anti cutter.

Step 2:

then i took two pieces of jute clothes in length 24 cm and wide 19 cm..and coloured them light red..i draw the out line of the frame in the cloth.i also draw some flowers for the embroidery and choose the color of yarn..

Step 3:

this is a really simple embroidery make this you have to take a colourful yarn and make 5 lines as the picture..then you have to take yarn of the flower and put it inside of the first line then you have to bring the needle outside of the second line amd then again inside of the 3 it again and again and a beautiful flower will be created

Step 4:

this is another kind of flower..for this you have to bring the needle inside of the clothe and then round the yarn around the needle and put it back on the clothe as the will make a petal of a flower.. make few of this to complete a flower

Step 5:

just to add some Variety i add a different type of flowet..i draw a flower and put the yarn in side and out side according too thr line and made the flower

Step 6:

i also made blue flowers

Step 7:

in this step i made the leaf and small bricks also the middle of the flower with yellow yarn

Step 8:

then i add the clothe on the frame withe glue gun..add a black paper to made it look nice..also add the clothe at back side
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