About: I'am a teacher at middle high school alfalah Darussalam waru Sidoarjo indonesia

The spirit of making a story more interesting by making its complementary tools is very important because with the tools that are able to describe the real story is a skill how a story becomes more alive so I made this aladdin lamp to liven up the atmosphere when reading the aladdin story itself.

Step 1: TOOLS

We need some tools :

Ruler,glue gan,iron solder, scissor,lead wire, pliers,marker and ect

Step 2: Ingredients

cardboad, cable terminal, niceline wire, glue gan, liquid vapor, cooton, hair dyer fan, adaptor 12 volt 1 ampere,adaptor 15 volt 3 ampere and cable wire ect.

Step 3:

Take a part of cardboard, cut
from its two sides to the limit as seen on the picture

Step 4:

Take other piece of cardboard for the base glue the
long one around the oval ,make it like in the picture as if ready as seen below

Step 5:

Glue it on other side as in the

Step 6:

Step 7:

Take one piece of cardboard to make the
lid by cutting from the two edges to the boundary of two points in the middle

Step 8:

Make the cap for the ketle or lamp as seen in the picture

Step 9:

Make a hole for the lid handle holder

Step 10:

Take one piece of cardboard to make the
lid by cutting from the two edges to the boundary of two points in the middle

Step 11:

Make 2 small cones

Step 12:

Put the 2 parts of the cone together with glue like that

Step 13:

Take one piece for the funnel

Step 14:

Make the handle then glue it on the right

Step 15:

Be Aladdin's lamp

Book Character Costume Challenge

Participated in the
Book Character Costume Challenge