Introduction: Mini Lego Starship Enterprise

About: Cosplayer and artist, i also enjoy making neat stuff out of Legos. You can follow me on Twitter (@TheMagicalMark) to check out more of my artwork.
Happy 45th Star trek!

This will show you how to make a Starship Enterprise model out of Lego's.

Most of the pieces included shouldn't be very hard to come by.

See also:

Step 1: Pieces

The pieces needed are listed here.

Step 2: Lower Body

Put the 2x2 and the 2x4 together as shown.

Step 3: Middel Body

Add a 2x4 on the 2x2.

Step 4: Rear

Put the 2x3 on the back.

Step 5: Hinge Plate

Add hinge plate to the 2x3.

Step 6:

Add the hinges on the 2x3.

Step 7: Engine Base

Add the black clamps to the center of the hinges.

Step 8: Start Your Engines

Put the connector pegs to the 1" connectors.

Step 9:

Add the gray cylinders to the connector pegs.

Step 10:

Add the small wheels to the other end of the connector pegs.

Step 11:

Add the other wheels to the gray cylinders.

Step 12: Finish Engines

Add the transparent blue studs to the wheels.

Step 13: Attach Engines

Attach engines to the black clamps.

Step 14:

Add the 2x2 circle plates to the inside of the disks.

Step 15:

Put the red axle in the axle hole on the 2x2.

Step 16:

Add the disk on to the body.

Step 17: Finished!

Put the other 2x2/disk on the red axle.

The ship is done keep reading for the base.

Step 18: Start Base

Flip the ship upside down.

Step 19:

Add the hinge brick.

Step 20:

Add the center stud piece.

Step 21:

Attach the clear rod to the center piece.

Step 22: Finish Base

Add the clear bowl to the rod.

Step 23: Done

You can also adjust the stand on the hinge brick and the clear rod.

Flip back up and you are done! Enjoy!