Introduction: Painting With Tape
Hello guys ,today we are going to make a painting using tape
now i may recommend to have an adult if you are a kid because it may take you patience to remove those sticker so that it won't tear your painting
so let's get started
a small,less sticky but high quality tape
a blade/scissor
paint(any three or four)
paint brush
a4 size or more
Step 1: Step 1:make Your Painting Stable
the first thing you need is to keep your painting in place by placing tape at the edges
this will make your painting stable and give you a nice outline border to your painting
Step 2: Step 2:make Diagnols
after stablizing you need to make the pattern for your painting and to do that e are going to place diagnol strips of tape to the paper as shown in the image(i am sorry that you cant see the tape because it is transparent but i am keeping the scale to show you it is diagnol)
also keep a mesure between the strips so that it looks neat
Step 3: Step 3 :do It Again
after that you have to do it again but in the opposite direction
Step 4: Step 4:almost Till the End
when ou finish it may look like the image
now that you finished adding the tape its time for coloring
you may add any color you want but i am going atleast three colors for the pattern
Step 5: Step 5:final Step
after adding color it may look like the picture above
now that done it time to remove the tape
i recommend to use an adults help because i don't want the painting to be destroyed
Step 6: Congragulations!!!!!
congragulations on completing the painting
hope u enjoyed