Introduction: Steam Punk Carnival Mask

Step 1:

I saw this on wish & I thought "I could make that"

Step 2: Materials

Bronze spray paint Clear coat Acrylic Clay Plastic (I used a cut up tidy cats bucket) Heat gun Tin snips Paintbrush (sorry no pic) (Optional) leather strap

Step 3: Mask Base

First cut the sheet of plastic to the shape of a mask. Then heat it to the basic shape of your face.

Step 4: Add Clay

It's pretty much as the name says... Add clay as the image shows

Step 5: Paint

Add bronze paint. Let dry an hour. Do another layer. Let dry. Clear coat. Let dry. Add acrylic.

Step 6:

If your using it as a mask add a strap. Sorry it could be a lot better, but I broke it :(... You guys could do a lot better :D! Thanks for looking :) Have a good one! :D :3
I Could Make That Contest

Participated in the
I Could Make That Contest

Halloween Props Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Props Contest

Play With Clay Contest

Participated in the
Play With Clay Contest