

Inbox View Profile
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I help people make awesome costumes that are cheap to make and don't require a bunch of specialized tools. I do lots of steampunk, but others as well.


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Fourth Prize in the Halloween Contest
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Halloween Contest
Tinfoil Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Tinfoil Speed Challenge
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Halloween Contest
Recycled Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Recycled Speed Challenge
Silly Hats Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Silly Hats Speed Challenge
3D Printed Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the 3D Printed Contest
Halloween Contest 2019
Contest Winner First Prize in the Halloween Contest 2019
Fandom Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fandom Contest
Tape Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Tape Contest
Faux-Real Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Faux-Real Contest
Big and Small Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Big and Small Contest

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