LocationBerkeley, CAJoined
Loving mom of two beautiful boys, obsessive compulsive confetti user & passionate foodie!


500+ Comments Earned a silver medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Pizza Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pizza Challenge
Snack Food Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Snack Food Contest
Homebrew & Cocktails Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Homebrew & Cocktails Contest
BBQ Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the BBQ Contest
Chinese Food Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Chinese Food Contest
Bacon Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Bacon Contest
Serious Eats Pi Day Pie Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Serious Eats Pi Day Pie Contest
Snack Food
Contest Winner First Prize in the Snack Food
Valentine's Day Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Valentine's Day Contest
Redneck Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Redneck Contest
The Mad Science Fair
Contest Winner Runner Up in the The Mad Science Fair
Can It! Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Can It! Challenge
Cupcake Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cupcake Contest

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