Introduction: K'nex Ball Machine: Grid Tower II (Pictures)
I built a K'nex ball machine that I call Grid Tower II. It has 1 network and 8 paths. The reason why it is called Grid Tower II is because it was originally based on my previous ball machine Grid Tower, but as I was building it, I decided to make it a castle-themed version of Grid Tower. I designed 2 of Grid Tower's lifts, 1 of its path separators, and 15 of its elements. I also used www139's Versatile Chainsaw Lift twice, and an element from MechanicalCreationMaster
(whom I forgot to credit in the video).
Instructions for the first lift
Instructions for the second lift
I am currently working on instructions for the new path separator.
Click here to see the video, which I am unfortunately unable to post on Instructables.