LocationVentura, CaliforniaJoined

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100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Halloween Costume Contest 2015
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Halloween Costume Contest 2015
Wax Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wax Challenge
Feet Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Feet Challenge
Halloween Food Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Halloween Food Contest
Featured Author Contest: bricobart
Contest Winner First Prize in the Featured Author Contest: bricobart
Vintage Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Vintage Contest
Outdoor Workshop Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Outdoor Workshop Contest
Made By Bees Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Made By Bees Contest
Concurso de Reutilización
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Concurso de Reutilización
Zombie Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Zombie Contest
BBQ Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the BBQ Contest
Indian Cuisine Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Indian Cuisine Contest
Toy Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Toy Contest
Chinese Food Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Chinese Food Contest
Vintage Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Vintage Contest
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Jewelry Contest

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