Assistive TechnologyBy gabriellaigo in CircuitsAssistive Tech4,64722 This is my collection of terrific projects and techniques for making the lives of people with disabilities more accessible. Enjoy. This is my collection of terrific projects and techniques for making the lives of people with disabilities more accessible. Enjoy. No-Solder Battery Interrupterby in Assistive TechPreparing a Mounted Mono Jackby uwtcat in Assistive TechSwitch-Adapt Toys: a Play @ Home Mixer Made Accessible!by uwtcat in Assistive TechSwitch-Adapt Toys: a Steam Train Toy Made Accessible!by uwtcat in Assistive TechDIY Jelly Bean-style Single Switchby RyanFromQA in Assistive TechHow to Make a Push Button Switchby technocraftStudio in ElectronicsVersatile Limit Switch Mountby geotek in 3D PrintingClap Switchby Samartist in ElectronicsWireless Switch Remote Power Switchby AndyM206 in WirelessTouch Switchby Darp Raithatha in ElectronicsToy Car Accelerator Modificationby DWilly9 in Toys & GamesFoil Capability Switchby AssistiveTechnologyServices in Assistive TechAssistive Spray Bottleby Cracked-it in Life HacksAssistive Technology Set I for 3D Printing by krosnyak in Life HacksUse the MaKey MaKey to Make DIY Assistive Technology for Computer Accessby jasonwebb in Assistive TechHack a Wireless Doorbell Into Remote Switchby Pustolov in Remote ControlHow to Repair a "Big Mack AAC Device" and Upgrade It the Same daveat in Assistive TechToy Hackingby Nestworks in Assistive TechHands Free Camera Mount for Wheelchairs, Bikes, Wrist, and More!by DarkRubyMoon in Assistive TechKey Turning Aidby RadBear in Assistive TechWild Wheelchair Footrest Pads and Bumperby DarkRubyMoon in Assistive TechDIY Lighter Aidby naessensseppe in Assistive TechVoice Activated Accessible Shelfby gluckc in Assistive TechBaby Seat for a Wheelchairby zimitt in KidsHarvesting Electronic Componentsby geotek in ElectronicsCheapest Smart Home for $38by Naran in Raspberry PiCD Switchby in Assistive TechHow to Make a Smart Babyby xLisax in Toys & GamesHow to Make an Ergonomic USB Mouse (Ergo Mouse) - Made From Styrofoamby Hey Jude in ComputersUniversal Cellphone Spidey-griper / Car Mount / Standby trophygeek in MobileHoliday Toy Switch Adaptingby base2john in Assistive TechSimple, Cheap, Cool, Waterproof and Gummy Diy Battery Holderby andrea biffi in ElectronicsAssistive Pan Holder for One Hand Use for Disabled for Under $ Nelson_Yepez in Assistive TechHow to Make a Pull bowlerhatman in CircuitsQuiz Game Controller Using "Lights and Sounds Buzzers" and Arduinoby projectnotions in ArduinoBlind Man's Cardsby gonal in Assistive TechTalking Joystick Mouseby AssistiveTechnologyServices in Assistive TechWiimote Wireless Modification for Persons With Disabilitiesby CATEA in Assistive TechHow to Quickly Find and Trace PCB Tracksby hertzgamma in ElectronicsTilt Switches Made From Bottles of Craft Beadsby fjordcarver in SensorsHow to Make a Low Tech Timer liam01 in ReuseHow Electronic Switches Work for Noobs: Relays and Transistorsby oldmanbeefjerky in ElectronicsSwitch Adapted Walking and Barking daveat in Assistive TechHow to Make a (Free) Tactical Pressure Switchby patrickcleary in GadgetsDIY Pill Bottle Tip Switchby onebrokenneck in SensorsIntroduction to the Electric Switch Using Snap Circuitsby KRA5H in ElectronicsQuick and Dirty Homemade Reed Switchby Handsome-Ryan in Gadgets