Jameco Build Night (August 2013)By Carleyy in CircuitsElectronics1,1819 These projects were created during the Jameco build night in August 2013. Check out jameco.com These projects were created during the Jameco build night in August 2013. Check out jameco.com Annoying Screaming Lightby taipeihackerspace in ElectronicsTicking Bomb Packageby taipeihackerspace in ElectronicsThankful Donation Jarby taipeihackerspace in Electronics555 DC Motor Speed Controlby gavargas in ElectronicsVaricap Controlled 555 Oscillator and Varicap Diode Tutorialby gavargas in ElectronicsAstable Multivibratorby ruddhie in ElectronicsOblobots!by saralvarellos in Toys & GamesLED Matrix With Arduinoby tumaku in Arduino555Synthby DriesDR in ElectronicsAnalogue 1-bit Memory on a Breadboardby automaton_be in Electronics555 Skullby aliekens in ArtHow to Hack a McDonald's Happy Meal Minion Into an Electric Slide Whistleby mazzmn in Toys & GamesTurn Signal Using 555 Timerby MattBruzer in ElectronicsCreate a Triangle Screwdriver for Disposable (mcdonalds Happy Meal) Toys Out of a Hex Key.by willschm in ToolsControl a Display of LEDs at Jameco Build Nightby wxh in LEDsBlinking Bicycle LED Light Using 555 W/ Caseby wazzabi in LEDsLight Theremin With Magnet Holderby wazzabi in AudioReally Simple Audio Switch (2 Inputs, 1 Output)by wazzabi in Audio555 Noise Makerby slackmasterstan in Speakers555 Timer IR Blockerby Troy_1337 in Toys & GamesAnnoy Your Kids With a 555 Timerby Troy_1337 in Toys & GamesGarage Car Detector Without a Microcontrollerby IRQ_EE in ElectronicsPetSafe Pet Barrier Transmitterby whyameye in ElectronicsLow-power, Low-cost, Cat-sensing, Litter Box Lighting and Ventilationby domstyle in PetsLED Blinky Wire Sculptureby grayconstruct in ArtLED Water Bottleby DragonDon in ElectronicsMy First Circuit: a Blinking LEDby DragonDon in ElectronicsCrossing Lights: the Setupby DragonDon in ElectronicsBasic 555 Timer LED Flasher Circuitby concoctory in ElectronicsMini Invisible MIDI Harpby musictechbolivia in ArduinoCorazón De Ledsby sabas1080 in LEDsCircuito De Frecuenciaby wolftrax in LEDsControl De Voltaje Para Ventilación En PCby gerghas in MicrocontrollersChicken Thereminby tinyweasel in Electronics555 Timer Flashing Led Circuitby geekfreak42 in LEDsSimple Led Testerby geekfreak42 in ElectronicsSimple Water Level Detector Using a LM555 in Astable Mode:by OpenL4BNorte _ Hackerspace in WaterSecuenciador De Juguetes - Toy Sequencerby toylab in MusicSimple POV Blinking Ledsby normanbates in LEDsDub Sirenby normanbates in AudioPedal With 386 and 555by OpenL4BNorte _ Hackerspace in AudioBuilding Night With Jameco: Adventure With 555, and the Noise Monsterby FBRKN in SpeakersDrive LED's With a Crystal Oscillatorby johnyradio in ElectronicsDrive Servos With a 555 Timer ICby gfetters in ElectronicsRunning LEDs With 555, 74163, 74138 and 74240by zerblatt007 in Electronics