COLLECTION | Intel® IoT Roadshow ProjectsBy EmpressPoesy in CircuitsElectronics27,03554This Intel® IoT collection features the innovative projects developed at the IoT Roadshows.Learn More about Intel® IoTParticipate in the Intel® IoT InvitationalThis Intel® IoT collection features the innovative projects developed at the IoT Roadshows.Learn More about Intel® IoTParticipate in the Intel® IoT InvitationalTo Make a Trash Box at Intel IoT Road Show in Beijing by cnemon in ElectronicsDBZ's Damp-proof Case Improvement (Intel IoT)by Da-WeiL in ElectronicsKeylessby DavideM28 in ArduinoSmart Plantsby altair1016 in ScienceHumanoid Pet Robo (Intel IoT)by shabarinathpremlal in RobotsPredictive Maintenance at Intel IoT Roadshow (Intel IoT)by Utsav_Shah in ElectronicsIntel® Edison Board: IoT Temperature Monitoringby wfosterIoT in MicrocontrollersSmart Ads System (Intel IoT) #IntelMakerby manukhandelwal in ElectronicsCloud Health Monitoring (Intel IoT)by PrasadO in MicrocontrollersGREENBIT - MAKE IT GROW (INTEL IOT)by ShaileshS1 in ArduinoGesture Based Home Automation Using Intel Edison(Intel IoT))by rvardekar in ElectronicsIntel Edison Noise Alarm (Intel IoT)by chrisgreen39 in Electronics IoT Aqua (Intel IoT)by akankshadixit in ElectronicsBrain Inside (Intel IoT)by shubhan3009 in WearablesLoveLinker (Intel IoT)by 佳男林 in WearablesIntel IoT Roadshow Paris - TCupby adrienjoly in ArduinoRadar Intel Edisonby lucasmacedo in ElectronicsEdison Bistro Tableby pirquessa in ArduinoIoT RC Car With Intel Edison ( IntelIoT)by RupamD in ElectronicsGesture Calculator(Intel IoT)by kanim in WearablesAUTONOMOUS HOOVER (Intel IOT)by MiniM2 in RobotsMEAT SENSE: Connecting Intel Edison & Amazon Echoby wykhuh in SensorsSmart City Plugin (Intel IoT)by kulkris in MicrocontrollersRadar Intel Edisonby lucasmacedo in ArduinoEdison Motorised Platform(Intel IoT)by 3DRealtime in ElectronicsMABO - Monitoring System of Children in School (Intel IoT)by 學仁王 in MicrocontrollersThe E-Cooling Cap (Intel IoT)by ShubhamB3 in WearablesElderly Care Monitor (Intel IoT)by magic_toaster in ElectronicsEcoEdison by chuckfabbrijr in ToolsComputer Vision on Intel Edison Using Your Smartphone Cameraby Alex Porto in ComputersIntel Edison Smart Wearable Baby Monitor - Part 1by Cryptic_Metaphore in WearablesIntel Edison Smart Wearable Baby Pacifier - Part 2by Cryptic_Metaphore in WearablesINTEL LONDON HACKTHON: HONEST! Super Beginners Guide to Setup Intel Edison + Interaktive Pixel Minecraft Swordby postitman in ArduinoSmart Green House With Intel Edison and Microsoft Azureby SreejumonP in SensorsPet Health Keeper (Intel IoT)by AaronL4 in ElectronicsIntel Edison IoT WiFi Termostate #IntelMakerby marcelocamposs in WirelessHealthKit - Smart Pill Dispenser (Intel IoT)by arunmag in Assistive TechBeatBox: Shock Tracking for Packets With Intel Edison - Intel IOTby pluisi in ElectronicsPetFeederby Gabriela Mattos in MicrocontrollersIR Sensor for Water Measuring in a Tankby IsmaelR3 in SensorsEdison, C++ and NRF24L01+by engvidal in MicrocontrollersSignal Synthesis With Intel Edisonby pacman_pereira in Electronics"Thomas" Robotby PauloO2 in RobotsIntel Edison Gate Controlby MarcondesM in ElectronicsSmart Alarm Clock - Intel Edison - Iot RoadShow - São Pauloby thiagogeraldi in ArduinoNerdsClockby WagnerP1 in GadgetsAC Monitor System Using Intel Edison (Intel IoT RoadShow Brazil)by jllorenzo in FashionZoio-Laser Projectby fsosorio in RobotsEasy Park (Intel IoT)by sumanthbhatt in Assistive TechIot Pet Feeder ( Intel Edison)by jubingeorgekurien in PetsParallel: a Smarter Way to Park (Wifi Webcam W/ Edison)by Verduranti in ElectronicsCookie Monster - a Talking Robot Integrated With Slack by PawelR in MicrocontrollersIntel IoT: Fall Detectorby Shreyansh Jain J in HealthVoice Ed (Intel IOT)by rishibhatnagar1 in LinuxBluelock(Intel IOT)by dkakash191 in WearablesHolographic Jukebox (Intel IoT)by Think Labs in ElectronicsSmart Automation (Intel IoT)by Think Labs in ElectronicsSafe Soul (Intel IoT)by Think Labs in ToolsSmart Park Using Laser Communication (Intel IoT)by Think Labs in LasersSmart Basket (Intel IoT)by erankitarora in ComputersVirtual Speech for Vocally Challenged People (Intel IOT)by shabarinathpremlal in WearablesSmart Pillows (Intel IoT)by YogeshGogia in ArduinoIntelligent Door/Box (Intel Iot)by vivekv3 in MobileIntel IoT Roadshow Berlin Alcohol Measurementby AnnaW8 in SensorsDrive Alert (Intel - IOT)by osho1278 in Assistive TechChef Inside INTEL(CII) - the Future of Automated Home Cooking (INTEL IoT)by Ganeshiva in ToolsWIFI Controlled LED Hatby stefanhintz in LEDsMEteo: Your Personal, Portable Weather Station!by Ansgar Schmidt in MicrocontrollersGlove Coach - the Internet Connected Glove for Maximising Your Gym Training Sessions Powered by Intel IoTby tiernanmac. in WearablesDekoboko: Road Quality Measuring With Bicyclesby formatc1702 in GadgetsCloud Fit - Smart Devices for Smart Gyms(Intel IoT)by anish.ratnawat in WearablesAutomated House Plant Care. Flora First Aidby EddieDigits in Assistive TechAutolog - Autonomous GPS-tracker (Intel Edison + Grove GPS)by celehner in WirelessHydo (Intel IoT)by Varun Unhacked in HealthSetting Up/Reflashing Your Edison for Beginners - OS X Editionby DuyHuynh in MicrocontrollersControlling a Kwikset Smartcode Lock With an Intel Edisonby randomwire in ElectronicsAir Guitarby AirGuitar01 in WearablesDanger Detectorby Carolyn Smith in MicrocontrollersTrashlyby alessandro.sarcina in MicrocontrollersIntelly Kitchenby Lorenzo Boasso in Assistive TechIntel Edison IoT Hackathon - Jane, an Elderly Care Assistant by esumitra in Assistive TechIntel Edison IoT Remote Environmental Parameters Monitorby jeckyll86 in Remote ControlZebra - Smart Crossingby sveneruso in MicrocontrollersMoiturizeMeby mikeghen in GardeningIntel-i-Houseby teamihouse in Robots[Beginner Guide] Configuration of a Usb Lan on Intel Edison for Ssh Connectionby ruben.clerici in ElectronicsNoisyNeighborhoodby Wbsimms in ElectronicsSmart Cupby VictorC6 in ElectronicsMusic Party Player. DiscoVeryMusic for Friends!by david.chieregato in ElectronicsFindMe (Wifi Triangulation)by lucav in Assistive TechSmartGateby caloyflores in ArduinoLiquidity - Tangible Home Banking Systemby kilamdil in Life HacksIntel Edison Hydroponics Controllerby BLT Robotics in GardeningProgramming Your Edison With Wyliodrinby AlexB23 in SensorsUsing Buttons and Sensors to Make Music With the Intel Edisonby Jbuchacher in ElectronicsGoodbam - Collecting Good/Bad Sleeping Data by Intel Edisonby leegomo1 in ElectronicsKo-dison(The Sleep Apnea Monitor)by kyungho.jung.3 in MicrocontrollersSmart Deskby sjyeon1510 in SensorsHealthcare Based on Edison Board_Heart Beatby KyeongraeC in SensorsHeart Rate Comparerby NamkyoungL in ElectronicsBabyGuarderby sws2819 in ElectronicsHTTPole (REST API Pole Display)by troyanderson in ElectronicsSmart Home Part 1: Easy Cloud Enabled Temperature qb4hkm in ArduinoSuper Foot - a Smart Companion for the Physically Challenged Using Intel Galileoby arulfrances in WearablesControl Robotic Arm With Gloves, Android Phone and Intel Galileo (Updated)by ashraf nabil in ArduinoHealth Alertby CristianP3 in HealthEdison Protect Us~!by Rosa Ko in SoftwareEdison-Scopeby tnkrmnz in ElectronicsIAquaDesk - IoT Enabled Aquaponics Using Intel Galileo(Intel IoT)by harshamuroor in ScienceWAMP Alias/ Prepros/ and Hello World Webpage Tutorialby igweckay in WebsitesHack-a-lockby charnwoot in ArduinoClassroom Noise Locatorby venkat.gorthi in ArduinoIoT Dog Collarby ftscreations in WearablesT.E.E.T.H. - Adding IOT to Your Home With Intel Edisonby ncarver in MicrocontrollersBtton.Coby HiImCarlos in WearablesBetty and Eddyby newbieiot in ArduinoAquaEcoby SubhashG in ArduinoSmartEDUby mat.mello93 in MicrocontrollersAnimHome - Connect Pet Equipments to Smart Home and Smart Phone by VincentD1 in PetsSmart House Controlby BrunoF2 in Remote ControlHow to Build a Car Park With Intel® Galileo! (Intel IoT)by full wipe in ArduinoFlErt (Intel IoT)by FalgunS in ElectronicsBalcony Gardenerby DanXMuc in GardeningBinary Wall Clockby abreitschopp in WirelessAlfredby SandraBemyapp in GadgetsPlant Monitoring and Care - Using the Intel Edisonby CJA3D in GardeningMobile Vaccine Monitor (Intel IoT)by kajarigd in ElectronicsIntel® Galileo : Share Laptop/PC WiFi to Galileo Over LANby iSunilSV in ArduinoSunlight Directorby robosuncatcher in EnergyIoT Hackathon - Bike Safetyby saiimons in BikesVenus Fly Trap Toy Powered by Intel Edisonby bestpaul in MicrocontrollersIntel Edison Powered Walking Teddy Bearby patrickms in RobotsHEALTH BAND (Intel IoT)by Think Labs in GadgetsDigiWallet - Your Smart Wallet (Intel IoT)by akshitm in WearablesIChairby bzpuerta in GadgetsShow the Intel Edison WiFi IP Address on a Grove-LCD RGB Backlightby nuket in WearablesModular Beer Brewing Controller Demoby nuket in HomebrewSensors Galoreby igweckay in ElectronicsTEAM IMPACT! Smart Helmet - Intel Edison, Sparkfun 9DOFby gravityride in Electronics