Copycat Challenge



Copycat Challenge  

Thanks to everyone who entered- that was a crazy number of entries! The winners are in, judged by me and two other expert judges. Thanks again for your creative Instructables- I personally perused and appreciated each one, and value your contribution whether or not you received a prize.


1st Place

How to make a little sisters ADAM syringe. by backwards lamb


All Leather Sunglasses made from leather scrapes by Blueeyeddevil
Antiqued Wooden Snake Toys by wold630
Authentic & Artisanal Pixie Sticks by technoplastique
Car Washing Grit Guard by lime3D
Cracker Jacks - with a surprise twist! by kcli
DIY Embroidery Pattern Transfers by supersoftdrink
DIY- Portable Tool Box Grill by bajablue
Family Drink Tray - Problem Solved by danlynne07
Giant Magic 8 Ball by caitlinsdad
How to Make a "Run Through the Sprinkler" Sprinkler by craftknowitall
How to make custom Chocolate Kisses + Template by PropPrintables
Imposter Donuts by ejarrell
LED Backlit Cardboard WALL CLOCK Cum Night Light by Siddarth Jain
Make a candle-lit ice lantern by Browncoat
Mix Your Own Nail Polish Colors And Save Money by sunshiine
Replacement Pet Fountain Filters by Verdann
Spinning Light Toy by DoctorDv
Stackable Toy Boxes by shazni
Theatrical Effects: Replicating a Pyrotechnic Effect Without Any Pyro by pjensen
Tinplate Lamp Shade by PJFERNY



I can make that! This challenge is for you to showcase your reverse engineering of objects of all sorts- from fashion to furniture to food and more, let your inspirations run wild. Find an existing thing and figure out how to make it yourself- and, of course, tell us how!

On your Instructable, you MUST give some attribution (photo, explicit reference, link, whatever works best) to the original piece you're copycatting! Otherwise, I might not know if your project fits the theme. (It's fine to give your piece some of your own artistic flair, though!)


Kyocera Ceramic Knives
iPad 2
Olympus E-P2 12.3MP

Example Projects:
To give you an idea of the right sort of project, here are some great copycat instructables that people have posted in the past! (Not eligible for this challenge due to post date.)

And here are a few more examples:

1) You MUST post a Photo, Step-by-Step, or Video Instructable
2) There is no limit to the number of Instructables you can post. However, no duplicate entries are allowed.
3) Projects that do not meet the criteria of the challenge will not be permitted to enter.
4) The judges reserve the right to disqualify anyone who cheats or engages in unsportsmanlike conduct.
5) To be clear, the project MUST be published after the challenge has started to be eligible.
(see the official rules here)
6) You must show what you're copying in order to be eligible. Eligibility of each individual Instructable is at the sole discretion of SelkeyMoonbeam.

All entries must be published and posted in the comments below posted by 11:59pm August 6th, PST.
Only entries published between 3:00pm July 12th (PST) and 11:59pm August 6th (PST) are eligible.

All entries will be exclusively judged by SelkeyMoonbeam based on successful completion, originality, and overall execution of the Instructable. Winners will be announced on or around August 13th.

How to Enter:
Post a link to your Photo Instructable in the comments below, and I'll add it if it's eligible! (There may be a delay between your comment and the appearance of your project in the Entries section).

Please note! This challenge is not intended for you to follow instructions you found, but to reverse-engineer something and create your own instructions. Please look at the examples if you are confused, and feel free to send me a message if you would like further clarification. Thanks! -SelkeyMoonbeam

Entries (103)