Workshop BuildsBy edmund_aloetius in WorkshopTools1,2114Things I would like to build when I have a workshopThings I would like to build when I have a workshopSolar Powered Rotating Strawberry Towerby JT_Makes_It in MetalworkingArduino CNC Thermocol Cutterby Deepaksh123 in ArduinoDIY 3D Navigator for Blenderby mmso2 in ArduinoDual-Angle Laptop Standby NirL in Laser CuttingBuild a Mesmerizing Sand Table : a DIY Arduino Masterpiece!by NewsonsElectronics in ArduinoHidden DIY Fold Down Wall Table!by diyhuntress in FurnitureInexpensive 3d Printed Microcentrifugeby Aidan M Miller in 3D PrintingMake Biodiesel!by drinkmorecoffee in CarsMake Your Own Biodiesel Processorby drinkmorecoffee in CarsA Dust Splitter for a Dust Collection Systemby Well Done Tips in WoodworkingSmall Arched,steel Shed. Moveable/Transportable. Possible Uses: Car Port for Small Cars or Motorbikes, Garden Shed or Garbagzebos in BackyardA Storage Carousel. Complete From Design to StephenD36 in Laser CuttingGrass Catcher Full Indicatorby Dominic Bender in GardeningDrawer Organizer Using Quick Connectors! (Silverware, Utensil, or Junk)by JonathonT in Organizing"Space Mushroom" : Full 6 DOFs Controller for CAD Applicationsby shiura in ComputersComparatron - an Affordable Digital Optical Comparator for Reverse-engineeringby CameronCoward in ToolsMilling Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) on a Cheap CNC Machineby mattwach in ElectronicsSuper Simple Hotwire Cutterby jasonwinfilednz in ToolsSheet Metal Brakeby pharcydeabc in MetalworkingDIY Sandblasting Cabinet and Etching Glassby AndrewW1977 in ToolsDIY Cheap and Quiet Air Assist (Laser Cutter Upgrade)by NirL in Laser CuttingSimple T Track for Woodwork Jigs by SpiritandBear in WoodworkingBuild a Through-Dovetail Jig With 3D Printed Templates for Less Than $100by grp19 in WoodworkingDrinkware Adaptor (Tapered and Mugs) and Image Adjustment for Laser Rotaryby JoeC297 in Laser CuttingSimple Hack to 3D Print HUGE Partsby CallMeSwal in 3D PrintingHow To: Ham Stand From a Table Legby JavitoBosch in WoodworkingReally Easy - DIY - Adjustable Router Templateby Urban Shop Works in WoodworkingMini Milling Machine DIY - Super Robust and Preciseby alvareztelecom7 in MetalworkingPulp It! - 3D Printable Recycled Cardboard Moldsby flowalistik in Cardboard3d Printed Measuring Tools and Useful Accessoriesby Infinity Workshop in 3D PrintingVersatile Router Mortising Jigby stevemaskery in WoodworkingCO2 Laser Cutter 40W With Arduinoby Venkes in Laser CuttingArduino Cable Tracer / Cable Testerby TechKiwiGadgets in ArduinoJumbo CNC Laser Cutter/Etcher Designed With Autodesk Fusion 360by SeanMiller in CNCTabletop Oak Art Easelby briggs108 in WoodworkingSmall Parts Routing Jigby TheWoodKnight in WoodworkingMaking Aso / Railroad Track Anvil Using Angle K-TS in Metalworking3D Printed Cyclone for Fein Shop Vac by mcmaven in 3D PrintingNote - a Laptop Standby Andreno in 3D PrintingProgrammable Macropad V2by tinyboatproductions in ArduinoEasy Box Joint Jig | Quick Box Joints in Your Table Sawby travis.muszynski in WoodworkingDIY Desktop 5-axis CNC Millby i_nerantzis in CNCHomemade 3 in 1 CNC (Router, 3D Printer & Laser Engraver)by AMbros Custom in CNCRuler to Caliper (0.1mm Resolution!) - 3D Printed (Left Handed Version Included!)by NirL in 3D PrintingHow to Build an FPV Drone (under $150)!by Fungineers in ElectronicsHole-in-the-Wall Spice Rackby sawdustagain in KitchenMaking Vacuum Former for £2 Out of Scrap Material Using 3D Printed Moldsby Darren Lewis in 3D Printing120v Metal Foundry With Lid Switchby IJustLikeMakingThings in Molds & CastingMultipurpose Sharpening Jig for V-Bits, Drill Bits and Graverby AMbros Custom in CNCDIY Helping Hands Soldering Stationby Mukesh_Sankhla in ToolsDigital Level With Cross-Line Laserby AGBarber in ToolsDigital Multi-Toolby AGBarber in GadgetsA Real-Time Well Water Level Meterby dragejo in SensorsPlyometric Box With 5 Different Heights!by zeraus in WoodworkingPocket Sized Pottery Wheelby Jadem52 in ToolsStar Recognition Using Computer Vision (OpenCV)by arthur_dent in SoftwareDIY Resin Ocean Serving Trayby diyhuntress in WoodworkingEasy Bee Counterby hydronics in ArduinoMake Tiny Stamps!by TinkeringProductions in Printmaking3D Printed Rope Makerby b33ma247 in 3D PrintingSpring Making / Wire Bending Machineby jiripraus in CNCPainted Canvas Over Plywood, Vertical Axis Wind Turbineby Drewrt in EnergyTapping Fixture for a Drill Pressby Phil B in MetalworkingVertical Gardens - Lettuce Treesby hometheaterz in BackyardCharcoal Retortby Kuzmanic in FireModular DIY CNC V2by jtaggard in ToolsLOW COST DIY 500€ CNC MILLby Vulcaman in CNC5$ PCB CALENDAR WITH BINARY CLOCKby MelnEdgars in ElectronicsLAN/Network Monitorby Eric Brouwer in ArduinoRusty Junk to Useful Stuff EASY With Chemistry!by Cheese Queen in ReuseRecycling Whiskey Bottles Into Drinking Glassesby zjfleury in ReuseLightBlue 3Dby fkirita in 3D PrintingThien Baffle Dust Extractor With Quick Change Bucketby Bverysharp in ToolsEquidistant Layout Dividerby mikeasaurus in GadgetsDIY Power Supply !by Nematic! in ElectronicsSuper Strong Bar Clampby AMbros Custom in MetalworkingMake a Good, Cheap, Upgradeable Sheet Plastic Vacuum Formerby drcrash in ToolsHow to Make a 12 Leaves Mechanical Irirsby kommodore in MetalworkingMake Your Own Carbide Lathe Toolsby tomatoskins in ToolsMake Your Own Carbide Lathe Toolsby tomatoskins in ToolsMake Your Own Carbide Lathe Toolsby tomatoskins in ToolsMESOMIX - Automated Paint Mixing Machineby FabroLabs Technologies in ArtAcoustic Radar Displayby lingib in ArduinoProject Aurora: a Smart Gaming Mousepad for 20€by kaira66 in GadgetsCyclonic Separator Shop-Vac With Secondary Water Filtration (Wet Scrubber) Made From Junk.. This Is Version Mark 2 of the Cyclonic Dust Collector lockelab in ToolsCard Reading Shop Power Switchby OnyxEpoch in ArduinoBergen Makerspace Transportable 3D Printerby johnadiamond in 3D PrintingAdvanced Brush From Plastic Bottlesby Waldemar Sha in ToolsGlass Bottle Cutter V3by Amit_Jain in ReuseMaking a Brush From a Plastic Bottleby Waldemar Sha in ToolsHomemade Lathe for Drill Pressby Mikhandmaker. in WoodworkingHomemade Lathe for Drill Pressby Mikhandmaker. in WoodworkingRouter Planerby mikeasaurus in WoodworkingAdd an Arduino-based Optical Tachometer to a CNC Routerby tmbarbour in ArduinoSimple Sheet Metal Brake: No Weldingby JoshXarles in MetalworkingEasy Rubber Machining With a Needleby novelchip in CNCCheap Scalable Arduino CNC, Plotter, Mill, 3D Printer... (MPCNC)by Akerbeltx in CNCDoughnut Chuckby tomatoskins in WoodworkingLaser Buddy, Laser Alignment Made Easyby geotek in Laser CuttingDIY Cyclone Dust Collectorby SEB TECH DIY in WoodworkingMake an Oscilloscope Using the SainSmart Mega2560 With the TFT LCD Shield and the 3.5 "color Touch Screenby johnag in ArduinoUltimate DIY Breadboard Power Supplyby abzza in ElectronicsFume Coffin - Laser Cutter Exhaust Vent Filterby patternmusic in Laser CuttingDIY Pneumatic Bearing Pressby seanhodgins in ToolsWoodworking Featherboardsby seamster in ToolsMake Your Own High Quality CO2 Lasercutter! With Touch Control!by MichielD99 in Laser CuttingSafe Capacitor Discharge Toolby mecanicafina in ElectronicsRolling Tool Cart With Shelves by Tiedeken in MetalworkingMake a Pocket Hole Jig by Jakes workshop in 3D PrintingOak and Walnut Tortilla Pressby WoodPlusMore in WoodworkingDIY: Cyclone Dust Separator From Two Bucketsby Well Done Tips in ToolsLow Cost Reliable & Powerfull Laser Engraverby mdeudon in CNC3D Printer Part Recycling Grinderby Pa Lemur in 3D PrintingThe Pi Quadcopterby Mars_OrBust in Remote ControlCiclop 3D Scanner (BQ & Horus)by dtrewren in 3D PrintingD.I.Y Ultra Quiet Shop Compressor From a Refrigerator Motor (compressor)by botzendesign in OrganizingChimera: $60 DLP High-Res 3D Printerby matstermind in 3D PrintingBuild a Raised Garden Wicking Bedby jgrachie in GardeningAutomated Ultrasonic Misting 3D Print Polisher PROby MechEngineerMike in 3D Printing2-in-1 Marking Gauge & Beam Compassby Paoson Woodwork in WoodworkingDIY CNC Routerby brian_HobbyCNC in CNCDowndraft Tableby Marsh in WoodworkingBuild Your Own 3d Printer Filament Factory (Filament Extruder)by ianmcmill in 3D PrintingDIY Spot Welder From Microwave - Now With OLED Display!by JackDavies in ToolsCNC Laser Cutter Journeyby Arno1978 in CNCArduino Laser Engraver Wood Design!by MichielD99 in CNCLaser Engraver With Arduinoby Macinblack20 in ArduinoHow to Make an Arduino Powered CNC Machineby AbsorberOfLight in ArduinoHow to Make the Mini Metal Foundry by The King of Random in MetalworkingDremel Chop Sawby HTMF Metal Pizza in Laser CuttingHow to Make a Capsule Heat Pump for Heating Up to +60 °C and an Air Conditioner for Cooling Down to -50 °C. Significant Money romanursuhack in SciencePedro 2.0 - Your Gateway to STEAM Educationby Almtzr in 3D PrintingCasting Molds Using 3D Printer & Vacuum Formingby mrdebos in Molds & CastingHOMEMADE BENCH TOP MILLING MACHINEby Libre_Industrial in Metalworking